The day did not start with a bang. I blinked awake in the bright, BRIGHT morning sunlight (I swear, Egypt is closer to the sun than any place I've ever lived before. Dawn crashes through the window like car headlights an inch from your eyes and the light only gets brighter from there. I ususally sleep with a thick navy scarf over my eyes but it apparently slipped off around 9 and I couldn't get back to sleep.
Today was the third day of a four day weekend celebrating the end of the month of Ramadan and I felt, pathetically, like 9 am was just too early to wake up during a long weekend. So I tried for at least a half hour to get back to sleep, without success, and finally gave up, brushed my teeth and climbed back in bed to read the mystery novel I started yesterday. I then ate breakfast and lay on the couch for three hours watching the news, then went back to reading. Fell asleep again around noon, woke up around 2, and proceeded to watch another 2 hours of news.
At this point, I was overwhelmed by my own ridiculous amount of sloth and the continuing grossness of my surroundings. The material covering our livingroom furniture is necessary, since the furniture dates at least from the '60's and belonged previously to smokers. But the material has never been washed either, which, in addition to the ants in the kitchen and the smudges on the walls grosses me out way more than the dirty floors did when I first movied in.
So, driven by the filth I'd wallowed in all morning, and my total lack of physical activity since I've moved into my new apartment, I rallied, tore the offending material off the couch (it was glued in place) for a good washing, did some yoga on the now-pristine floors of my bedroom, showered for the first time of the day (under the still-broken showerhead), and capped off the productive three hours of my day with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Still one of my favorite shows ever. Right up there with The West Wing.
I've slipped back into my TV watching but I have big plans for the evening: although I have not left the apartment ALL DAY LONG, I hereby pledge I WILL pluck my eyebrows before I go to bed!
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