Monday, November 2, 2009

Learning from my mistakes

I ate ants yesterday. They were in my cereal box and I poured them into yogurt with my corn flakes. I didn't notice until the last two bites that I had sprinkled in an extra protein source. There were three ants in those last two bites so my guess is that I ate 3-10 ants in total.

So I freaked out, threw up, sprayed the holy hell out of the kitchen with a huge bottle of RAID, then went to work and dumped a half liter (see how I'm trying to throw in metric terms?!) of cappuccino into my belly to burn the suckers in acidic coffee goodness.

This morning, even though I'd sprayed every twitching, crawling inch of my kitchen and opened a brand new box of corn pops (they were out of flakes) last night, I carefully inspected the inside and outside of the box for invaders BEFORE I added any protein to my breakfast this time. Sure enough, the ants had braved the remnants of the RAID and were exploring my BRAND NEW BOX of cereal! A whole box of corn pops totally wasted! But my newfound strategy to look before I eat saved the yogurt from a similar fate and I was able to mix in some cornflakes from the box I keep at work as a backup.

I am going to my first Egyptian dentist appointment tonight. I swear if the doc finds ants in my teeth, I'm moving home.


  1. I'm reading Barbara Kingsolver's book Vegetable, Animal, Miracle right now and I just read the bit about how Hindus were not truly vegetarians in the past because their harvesting practices did not eliminate the bugs and bug larvae on their grain crops. She noted that when a sizable Hindu population moved to the UK, where harvesting processes eliminated that bug matter, the vegetarian population suffered more illnesses as a result of the loss of protein. It was an argument-disguised-as-anecdote in favor of responsible and sustainable meat consumption. BK likes to say she is not judging others and is merely describing her lifestyle, yet she definitely has an agenda.

  2. I think if you hadn't noticed them your diet would have actually been more nutritious! They won't kill you, but have you though about getting some proper tupperware to keep your cereal in? It works, I swear by it for weaval and ant protection in our cabinets. :)


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