Apologies for not having written an update in weeks (okay, like a month). We were expecting work to slow down in the early part of this year but revolution = economic chaos = tons of contractual disputes so I’ve actually been put on two new cases in the past month (as compared to one in the past year).
Besides being suddenly crazy busy at work, life in Egypt has not changed significantly for me since the revolution and despite having to walk a few blocks around continuing protests to get a taxi some nights, I still go to work (took this picture out my taxi window on my morning commute), my Arabic lessons, on my daily dog walks, out to restaurants with my friends, and the occasional movie. On one hand, the midnight curfew is annoying because it puts the best movie theater just out of range as I wouldn’t be able to get home by the time the army shuts the bridges to Zamalek. But on the other hand, I’m not the only loser heading home to bed before eleven, now I can blame my lameness on the armed forces!
Some of the utopia of Tahrir has spilled out into the general population. People still sweep their own sections of the streets and put their garbage at central locations on the block for pickup instead of everyone putting their own bag outside their own door to get ransacked by stray cats. The Egyptian flag is everywhere. Not quite like in the US after 9/11 but almost. It has taken over advertisements, from cell companies to banks, and taxis, which all have a little card with photos of the martyrs hanging from their rearview windows.
However, some of the same old ugliness is lurking around as well. I’ve noticed a slight uptick in sexual harassment incidents, just guys saying stuff under their breath as I walk by or making inappropriate jokes. It is fantastic that the people of Egypt are no longer afraid of the police. It isn’t right that a population should be terrorized by the officers meant to protect them. But I’m waiting for peoples’ innate values of respect for the rule of law and for one another to kick in and fill the void left by that fear. Most people are still friendly and respectful as ever, but the creeps are getting bolder.
Speaking of creeps, I went to a march on International Women’s Day last week that was supposed to demonstrate for women’s rights. One of the proposed constitutional amendments states that the president cannot be married to a non-Egyptian woman, presupposing that the president will be male. A lot of women, from all backgrounds didn’t want such discrimination codified but the protest wasn’t very well advertised or well-organized so it was only upper class women, students, and foreigners who showed up, and only around 100 or so. On the other hand, way more men than that actually showed up to PROTEST AGAINST WOMEN’S RIGHTS. Dozens would push into the women’s side of the crowd to start religious arguments with the women who spoke Arabic and demand that the “foreigners,” which they extended to cover Egyptians with accents, dual citizens, and Egyptians with non-Egyptian parents, go “home” (no one hassled me of course, because I am adorable). Around six or so, the men rushed the women, causing several injuries as women fell down, and pushing the group of women out of the square.
In other discrimination-related news, Fox Series, one of the Emirati satellite stations I watch has started airing the first season of Glee. Although they used the word “fag” in recent episode, and the phrase “queer as a three-dollar bill,” they actually edit out the word “Jewish,” which occasionally comes up on the show because two of the main characters are Jewish. I couldn’t believe it the first time I heard it (or rather didn’t hear it since it isn’t covered by a bleep but instead blanked out entirely) but sure enough, the word “Jewish,” is actually more offensive to the Emirates than some pretty freaking offensive gay slurs.
Thanks to everyone who have sent me good wishes through my parents. I am safe and well and mostly just working and watching a lot of TV (catching up on old episodes of CSI, True Blood, and Nikita – has anybody ever been worse-cast than Shane West as Michael?!).